Our Programs

Hard to Recycle Center (H2RC) – drop-off station at the YMCA for numerous hard-to-recycle items that are not accepted in municipal recycling bins

Recycling Machine Shop (new) – turning discarded Tybee plastic into useful, durable products to benefit ongoing beach clean ups, using a shredder and injection press built for us in Malaysia by the Sea Monkey Project. Win-win-win!

Re-Beachables Program – reusing abandoned beach toys via beach toy borrow boxes at various Island locations and beach entrances

Awareness Campaigns – hosting fun and educational events to draw attention to the problems of marine debris and how to drive changes that improve the environment, especially ocean health
Turtle-Friendly Tybee (new) – social media support for sustainable restaurants, including a Turtle-Friendly designation & window decal program for those establishments that eliminate polystyrene and singe-use plastic bags and straws