Back River Clean Up – new start time of 5:30PM!

Let’s meet up at 5:30 PM at the Chatham Ave beach entrance (for GPS, use 1923 Chatham Ave). We’ll fan out north toward the Pier and south toward the Back River to make sure the entire southern end of the Island is free of trash. All equipment provided. See you then!

Earth Day Clean Up at the Pier!

Come out on Earth Day to clean up the beach down front by the Tybee Pier. Meet up at 1509 Strand Ave - all equipment provided!

Let’s Meet @Chatham Avenue!

We’ll be set up at the southern-most tip of the island, at the Chatham Avenue beach entrance, so we can be sure that any remaining beach litter from has been removed from harm’s way after a busy spring break season. All equipment provided. Bring your posse!

Mothers Day Beach Clean Up!

It won’t be hard to convince Mom to clean the beach (maybe after a nice dinner at a Turtle-Friendly Tybee restaurant?) on Mothers Day, right? Make it a special day by saving sea turtles from ingesting plastic. Join us, the Savannah Riverkeeper, and SCAD SERVE at either the Pier or at North Beach for this […]