Join us on a Beach Clean Up!
Come join us in a beach clean up down by Tybee Pier. We provide lightweight buckets and hand-held grabbers to make it easy on everyone. Starts at 10AM at the base of the Tybee Pier.
Come join us in a beach clean up down by Tybee Pier. We provide lightweight buckets and hand-held grabbers to make it easy on everyone. Starts at 10AM at the base of the Tybee Pier.
Meet us at the 15th Street beach entrance, in front of 1509 Strand Ave as we clean up the Pier area. All equipment provided!
We’ll be setting up at the 15th Street beach entrance at 9:30 AM. All gear provided, parking passes available on a first-come basis. Bring your family, bring your friends, bring your significant other, or bring yourself and do something good for Mother Earth! Afterwards, stick around and join in Hands Across the Sand at 11 […]
We’ll set up at the beach entrance directly across from the deck of North Beach Bar & Grill. Event starts at 6 PM. Have a drink afterwards at NBB&G!
Come enjoy a morning clean up after the long and busy Memorial Day weekend. We’ll be set up at 1509 Strand, just north of the Tybee Pier. All equipment provided. When you return your bucket and grabber, be sure to get your ‘I cleaned the beach with Fight Dirty Tybee’ sticker so you can show […]
Come join us at the Pier for a clean up, starting at 6:30 PM. Meet up at 1509 Strand Ave, at the 15th Street Beach entrance.
We’re back with our very popular, very unique planters, coasters, and sea animal pendants! They’ll be available at the Tybee Farmers Market at the Lighthouse Complex on Monday June 6th, from 4-7 PM (or until sold out). As we’re a small operation and these items require lots of labor (and fire and knives) we only […]
Make time to help the ocean on World Ocean Day by preventing beach litter from becoming marine debris. We’ll be meeting up at North Beach and cleaning up the northern end of the Island while celebrating this part of the island’s role as a nesting area for endangered shore birds, such as the Black Skimmer. […]
We’ll be hosting a beach clean up at 6:30 PM (note new start time) for an hour at the Tybee Pier. Come to 1509 Strand Ave (at the 15th Street beach entrance), sign in, grab your gear, and hit the beach to remove those nasty butts, straws, styrofoam and anything else that doesn’t belong on […]
We’ll be hosting a beach clean up at 6:30 PM at the Tybee Pier. Meet up at 1509 Strand Ave (at the 15th Street beach entrance), sign in, grab your gear, and hit the beach for an hour. Meet like-minded beach lovers and maybe score a new t-shirt as a thank-you (be sure to ask). […]
We’ll be hosting a beach clean up at 6:30 PM at the Tybee Pier. Come to 1509 Strand Ave (at the 15th Street beach entrance), sign in, grab your gear, and hit the beach for an hour. All equipment provided, including parking passes good for the event.
Help us remove any bits of fireworks and beach debris left after the long July 4th weekend. Meet up at 1509 Strand Ave at 9:30 AM, all equipment provided.
Sorry folks, storms in the area tonight so this event has been canceled. We’ll be meeting up in the beach parking lot directly across from the deck of the North Beach Bar & Grill for this evening’s beach clean up from 7-8 PM. All equipment provided - enjoy a beverage at the Turtle-Friendly NBB&G afterwards […]
We’ll have our 100% recycled plastic pots, coaster sets, and sea animal pendants available for a small donation at Tybee’s Farmers Market from 4-7 PM.All products are hand-crafted and made from recovered beach trash or deposited at our Hard-to-Recycle Center at the Tybee Y. All proceeds support our programs.
We’ll be meeting up just north of the Tybee Pier (1509 Strand Ave) at 7 PM for a one hour beach sweep. All equipment provided, just sign in, grab your gear, hit the beach to get that trash, and return everything by 8 PM. Simple! Fun! Bring your peeps and help keep Tybee Tidy!
We’re taking the weekend off. You should too! See you next week…
Join us in a beach clean up of the entire area around Tybee Pier. We’ll be meeting up at 1509 Strand Avenue at 7 PM. Sign in, grab your gear, hit the beach for an hour, and return with your bucket to watch the sort process at the end and see how much litter a […]
Bring your posse or just yourself to a beach clean up down by the Tybee Pier. We’ll be set up at 6:30 PM at 1509 Strand Ave by the Pier, where most of the trash is. Help us make that area good as new for our sea turtles and shore birds!
We’ll be set up down by the Pier at 6:30 PM (1509 Strand Ave). Just come to the sign-in table, grab your gear, hit the beach for an hour, and bring everything back to us so we can sort and count the trash and butts. And thank you!
Come join your fellow beach lovers in a clean up of the area around the popular Tybee Pier. All equipment provided at sign-in table. Use 1509 Strand Ave on GPS to find us!
Head to Memorial Park for a Saturday morning clean up, where we’ll be fanning out and picking up litter - especially cigarette butts - all around the park area. We’ll have special guests and lots of free t-shirts & coasters for all attendees, as we participate in the annual ‘Georgia’s Coast is NOT an Ashtray’ […]
Tonight we’ll be meeting up at the Chatham Ave beach entrance at very southern tip of Tybee Island. All equipment provided!
Help us clean up the Pier area after the long Labor Day weekend. We’ll meet up at 1509 Strand Ave, just north of the Tybee Pier.
It’s time to hit North Beach! We’ll be set up in the beach parking lot directly cross from the bar & deck of the North Beach Bar & Grill. Have a bite & a drink beforehand or afterwards at NBB&G, one of Tybee’s Turtle-Friendly Restaurants! Please note the 6 PM start time for this event.
Join hundreds of thousands of volunteers across the globe in the annual International Coastal Clean Up sponsored by the Ocean Conservancy. Event will start at 10AM up on the Tybee Pier. We’ll be joined by representatives from Surfrider GA, Monomet GA Bight Shorebird Conservation, the Tybee Island Marine Science Center, Oceana, and Savannah Refillery . […]
Join us at the 2nd Avenue beach entrance (near Sugar Shack) for a beach clean up, all equipment provided. Please note we adjust the start time as the sun sets earlier in the evening and we don’t want to run out of light! We’ll be ready for you at 5:30 PM.
Join us on Sunday October 2nd at 5:30PM for a one-hour clean up of the area north and south of the Tybee Pier. Meet-up location is 1509 Strand Ave (15th Street beach entrance). All equipment provided!
We’ll be set up at 1509 Strand Ave for a clean up of the Pier area. All equipment provided - just sign-in, grab your gear, and hit the beach for an hour!
We’ll be hosting a beach clean up tonight starting at 5 PM. The meet up location will be at 1509 Strand Ave, just north of the Pier. All equipment and parking passes provided. Please check Fight Dirty Tybee on Facebook several hours before the event if the weather appears iffy, we usually cancel at least […]
With the switch to Daylight Savings time, we will now start our clean ups at 4 PM for the rest of the year to allow sufficient light to clean up and pack up after the event. We’ll be meeting up at 1509 Strand Ave, just north of the Pier. Be sure to confirm start time […]
Bring friends, bring family, bring co-workers, or just bring yourself and help us sweep the beach free of litter! We’ll be meeting up in the beach parking lot on Chatham Ave at the southern end of the island and cleaning up the Back River from the Fishing Pier to 19th Street beach entrance. Hope to […]
Start December off right by helping remove any trash from Tybee’s beach. We’ll be meeting up just north of the Pier, at 1509 Strand Ave. all equipment provided.
You won’t want to miss our last beach clean up of the year, so be sure to bring friends and family and make it a special event! All equipment provided. Meet up north of the Tybee Pier at 1509 Strand Ave.
Shake off the previous night’s revelry with an afternoon stroll on the beach, bucket and grabber in hand, removing litter while contemplating your New Year’s resolutions - like doing more beach clean ups! We’ll be meeting up at 1509 Strand Ave, just north of the Pier, to remove any litter from the weekend’s festivities. What […]
Honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy by joining with friends and family to clean up our precious beach and protect marine life from ingesting plastic. Meet up at 1509 Strand Ave at 3 PM. All equipment provided.
Join us at 3 PM down by the Pier to remove any litter from the beach. Meet up at 1509 Strand Ave - all equipment provided.
We’ll be cleaning around the Pier area, meeting up at 1509 Strand Ave. All equipment provided.
Bring friends and family to help clean up the Pier area after a busy spring weekend! We’ll meet up at 1509 Strand Ave and supply all equipment needed, including parking passes.
Meet up at 1509 Strand Ave. All equipment provided! Bring family & friends!
Come join the team from UGA’s Marine Extension & Sea Grant program as we clean up North Beach. We’ll be set up at the middle beach entrance at 10AM, directly across from the deck of the North Beach Bar & Grill.
We’ll be setting up at 1509 Strand Ave, north of the Pier, at 6:30 PM. All equipment provided - you supply the muscle! (Actually, our equipment is lightweight so everyone can join in. All ages welcome to help out)
We’ll be hosting a beach clean up down by the Pier on April 2nd - meet up at 1509 Strand Avenue. We supply everything needed - you supply the time!
Meet us at the Chatham Ave beach entrance for a fun evening of beach cleaning. Bring family & friends! All equipment provided!
Come spend the day after Earth Day morning in your favorite spot - Tybee beach! While you’re at it, join others in removing every scrap of litter so we can prevent marine debris from entering the ocean. Everyone wins, including sea turtles, bottle-nose dolphins, brown pelicans, endangered shore birds, and a host of other marine […]
Clean up of Pier area, beginning at 6 PM. We will be slowly shifting the start times to later on Sunday afternoons as the sun sets later and the beach remains crowded until evening. Bring family & friends! Meet up at 1509 Strand Ave, all equipment provided.
Head down to the Pier area and join in the fun as we sweep the beach for any litter. All equipment provided, just sign in, get your instructions & gear, and hit the beach for an hour. Bring family & friends! Meet up at 1509 Strand Ave.
We’ll be heading out on Tuesday, May 30th at 10 AM to remove any litter from one of the busiest weekends on Tybee. Join in and help out! All equipment provided. Meet up at 1509 Strand Ave just north of the Pier.
We’re holding a special event as part of the celebration of World Ocean Week by cleaning up North Beach on Tybee Island. Participants joining us between 6:30 and 7 PM will receive a free one-day admission pass (while supplies last) to the Tybee Island Marine Science Center as a thank you for your efforts! Passes […]
Come celebrate World Ocean Day be removing beach litter before it hits the water. Meet up at 10 AM, 1509 Strand Ave. All equipment provided!
Bring family & friends to the Tybee Pier and remove all beach litter before it hits the water! We supply the equipment- you show up at 1509 Strand Ave, sign in, grab your gear, and hit the beach for an hour. Easy! Fun! See you there!
We’ll be down by the Pier again picking up litter, including leftover fireworks debris, after the busy July 4th holiday. Meet up at 1509 Strand Ave. All equipment provided!
Join us down by the Tybee Pier for a mid-month clean up of the busy Pier area. We supply the equipment, you supply the time! Bring friends and family - we need the help this time of year!
Help us clean up the beach around the Pier tonight, starting at 6:30 PM. We supply all equipment!
Let’s hit the beach together and remove all litter from harm’s way. Meet up at 1509 Strand Ave, at the 15 1/2 St beach entrance. All equipment provided!
Tonight we’ll be removing beach litter from North Beach. Meet up at the beach entrance directly across from the North Beach Bar & Grill outdoor deck. All equipment provided.
Join us as we clean up the Pier area after a busy holiday weekend. Meet up at 1509 Strand Ave just north of the Tybee Pier. All equipment provided!
Every year on the third Saturday in September, hundreds of thousands of volunteers around the globe join in the International Coastal Clean Up, sponsored by the Ocean Conservancy. This year’s event will be held up on the Tybee Pier and Pavilion. All collected beach litter will be sorted and counted, with the details submitted for […]
Join us down at the Tybee Pier (1509 Strand Ave meet up), starting at 5:30 PM, for one hour. All equipment provided!
Tonight we’ll be setting up at the Chatham Ave beach entrance to fan out and clean up the south end of the Island, including the Back River. You can’t beat the views of the sand bars and Little Tybee, and if you time it right, you can stick around for a beautiful sunset. So bring […]
We’ll be meeting up just north of the Tybee Pier tonight (GPS 1509 Strand Ave) to clean up the always-busy Pier area. All equipment provided!
If you’ve wanted to acquire some of our 100% recycled products, come to the Farmers Market at the Tybee Lighthouse complex on Monday, October 23rd, beginning at 4PM. We’ll be introducing our newest products - colorful soap dishes and round planters, as well as old favorites of coasters and sea animal pendants, keychains, and magnets. […]
Beach clean up down by the Tybee Pier. Meet up at 1509 Strand Ave, all equipment provided. Please note new start time of 4:30 PM!
Join us at the Tybee Marine Science Center on Saturday November 18th from 10-11:30AM as we celebrate the magnificent Right Whale by cleaning the beach. We’ll be meeting up at the beach entrance adjacent to the Marine Science Center (look for the whale tail). All equipment provided!
We’ll be cleaning up the Pier tonight, meeting up at 1509 Strand Ave and sweeping both north and south for several beach clocks. It’s the busiest - and the most littered - stretch of Tybee beach. That’s why we spend so much time there. So come on out and help us return it to its […]
Looking for some great holiday gifts for friends and family? If you’ve wanted to acquire some of our 100% recycled products, visit us at the very popular Tybee Holiday Market on Tybrisa Street on Saturday, November 25th, from noon until 5 PM. We’ll have our newest products – colorful soap dishes (with soap!) and round […]
Let’s clean up the stretch of beach from 8th Street to 12th Street, meeting up in the middle, at the 10th Street beach entrance. All equipment provided!
This is it - our final beach clean up of 2023! Join us at 1509 Strand Ave - the beach entrance just north of the Tybee Pier - as we wrap up our clean ups for this year. But not to worry - we’ll be back at it on the first day of 2024. Weird, […]
After shaking off your NYE revelry and taking the Polar Plunge, be sure to head to the Pier and help clean up any bits of litter left in the beach. We’ll be meeting up at 1509 Stand Ave, starting at 4 PM. Bring friends & family!
Come honor Dr. King’s legacy of community engagement and service with a morning beach sweep. We’ll be set up just north of the Pier from 10:30 AM until noon.
Let’s meet across from the dining deck of the North Beach Bar & Grill at 4 PM. Maybe drinks and dinner afterwards?
We’ll be clean up the sand around the Tybee Pier today, meeting up at 1509 Strand Avenue at 4:30 PM for a hour (note new start time). Bring friends and family along!
We’ll be gathering just north of the Pier this afternoon, starting at 4:30PM. As always, as equipment provided! Just show up, sign in, get your gear, and start picking up litter. Easy! Fun!
Yes, you saw that right - we’re starting at 5:30 PM today because of Daylight Savings Time! Set your clock right and join in the fun as we hit the sand and remove any litter down near the Pier. Meet up at 1509 Strand Ave, all equipment provided.
We’re hitting the Back River tonight, always a Spring Break trash hot spot, to get any litter out of harm’s way. We’ll be meeting up at the 19th Street beach entrance at end of Butler Ave at 5:30 PM, for an hour. (Please note this event was previously scheduled for Chatham Ave, however, that beach […]
Let’s meet up at 1509 Strand Ave and clean up the Pier area. All equipment provided.
Join us on Earth Day morning, Monday April 22nd (which is also the day after one of the busiest weekends of the year) as we clean up the Pier area. We’ll supply the equipment, you bring friends and family, and together we’ll make the beach pristine. Meet-up at 1509 Strand Avenue, just north of the […]
It’s Mother’s Day! Take Mom to dinner and then on a beach sweep! We’ll set up at the Chatham Ave beach entrance at the very southern tip of the Island, so we can clean up the Back River, a favorite party spot during Spring Break. All equipment provided. *PLEASE NOTE NEW START TIME OF 6 […]
After the busy Memorial Day weekend, we’ll be set up for a beach clean up at 1509 Strand Ave, down by the Tybee Pier. All equipment provided!
Join us on World Ocean Day as we raise awareness for keeping our coastline free of litter and preventing marine debris. Set up at 1509 Strand Ave next to the Tybee Pier. All equipment provided. This event is sponsored by our supporters from Boston Beer Co, makers of DogFish Head and other great beers! We’ll […]
We’ll be cleaning up the Pier area this evening at 6:30PM, so bring friends and family along and help keep Tybee Tidy. All equipment provided - just come sign-in, grab your gear, and go! Meet-up location is 1509 Stand Ave.
Join us at the Tybee Pier for a post-fireworks beach clean up around the Tybee Pier. We’ll be looking to remove any remaining fireworks and litter from the beach to keep it clean for the sea creatures that call Tybee home. And the people, too! Meet up at 1509 Strand Ave, all equipment provided.
Join us at the Pier as we remove any remaining litter from the beach after a very long and busy July 4th++ holiday weekend! We’re starting at 6:30 PM for one hour, meeting up at 1509 Strand Ave. all equipment provided!
We’ll be set up ant 1509 Strand, down by the Pier. All equipment provided - just come to the sign-in table, get instructions, grab your gear, and hit the beach for an hour. Bring friends! Bring the kids!
Time to hit the Pier area for a beach clean up! Join us at 1509 Strand Ave at 6:30 PM for an hour to remove any litter from Tybee’s busiest stretch of beach. All equipment provided!
Tonight’s beach clean up represents a major milestone for us - #500! Join in the fun and receive a coupon for a free drink after the clean up at North Beach Bar & Grill. All participants will also enter into a raffle to win a gift of their choice - a 100% recycled plastic soap […]
Let’s hit the beach and erase any leftover litter from the long Labor Day weekend celebration! Meet-up at 1509 Strand Ave, just north of the Tybee Pier at 6 PM. All equipment provided!
Sorry folks, this event has been cancelled due to weather. See you on the 21st!
It’s here! Mark your calendar to join us from 10AM to noon as we join in the International Coastal Clean Up, sponsored by the Ocean Conservancy. We’ll be up on the Tybee Pier and Pavillion to dispense equipment, count all the incoming litter, and visit information stations hosted by local conversation groups. More details to […]
Time to hit the southern tip of the island! We’ll be meeting up at Chatham Ave beach entrance, all equipment provided. Note start time of 5 PM.
Come join the fun as we clean up the Pier area. All equipment provided! Meet up @1509 Strand Ave at 5 PM.
We’ll be at the Tybee Farmers Market today from 3:30-7 PM, so stop by and say hello! You can also snag one of our cool 100% recycled plastic products made right here on Tybee from beach trash and resident drop-offs. All proceeds support our programs!
Hey everyone, we’ll be starting our beach clean up today at 4 PM, thanks to Daylight Savings Time (sunset tonight is at 5:30). Meet up location is 1509 Strand Ave, just north of the Tybee Pier. All equipment provided!
Come see us at the Tybee Tour de Art show held on the north end, from noon to 5 PM. We have great Christmas gifts!
Bring friends & family to the beach and help us remove any litter from harm’s way! All equipment provided. Meet-up location at the North Beach entrance directly across the large deck of North Beach Bar & Grill. Have dinner afterwards!
Join us in a beach clean up starting at 4 PM for an hour. All equipment provided. Meet up location next to the Tybee Pier (1509 Strand Ave).
Join us today at 4 PM for a beach clean up, all equipment provided. Meet-up at the 11th Street beach entrance.
Don’t miss our last clean up of the year. All participants under 18 will receive a small but very special gift as our thank you! Meet up at the Tybee Pier (1509 Strand Ave) at 4 PM sharp! All equipment provided.
Start the year off right by helping us clean up a stretch of Tybee Island. Event starts at 4PM - check back for details!
Sorry folks, we canceled this event due to extreme weather. Help join us in honoring Dr. King’s legacy of service with a beach clean up down by the Tybee Pier. Meet up at 1509 Strand Ave - bring the family! All equipment provided.
Join us and other beach cleaners today at 4 PM, down by the Tybee Pier. Meet up at 1509 Strand Ave, all equipment provided.